Researchers working on computers which can last 75 times longer
Military application for snappily titled Power Efficiency Revolution for Embedded Computing Technologies (PERFECT)

Researchers Georgia Tech are helping Defense Advanced Projects Research Agency (DARPA) to develop an energy efficient computer that can last 75 times longer than the present day computers.
The computer is being developed as part of an initiative called Power Efficiency Revolution for Embedded Computing Technologies (PERFECT), which is still in the elementary stages.
The success of this project could result in smaller and more efficient systems which could be used in aircraft and ground vehicles as well as used by soldiers on the ground.
David Bader, School of Computational Science and Engineering executive director of high-performance computing, said, “The program is looking at how do we come to a new paradigm of computing where running time isn’t necessarily the constraint, but how much power and battery that we have available is really the new constraint.”
Georgia Tech’s part in DARPA-led PERFECT effort is called Graph Analysis Tackling power-Efficiency, Uncertainty and Locality (GRATEFUL), which focuses on algorithms that will create graphical representation out of large volumes of data in the most energy-efficient way.
The main focus would be to reduce power consumption by cutting the level of data collection.
The ultimate goal of the project is to get an algorithmic framework that would enable to create smaller devices with supercomputer like capabilities.