GT Computing Flexes Power at Parallel Computation Symposium

Georgia Tech is putting forth a dominating presence at one of the premier parallel computation symposia this week in Phoenix as it sends 30 of its professors and researchers to present nine papers, two of which earned “best paper” honors.
The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) International Parallel & Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS), held from May 19 to 23 in Phoenix, is the flagship activity of the IEEE Computer Society’s Technical Committee on Parallel Processing (TCPP), representing a unique international gathering of computer scientists from around the world.
For IPDPS 2014, Georgia Tech participates in virtually every part of the technical program, where researchers from the College of Computing and the Institute for Data and High Performance Computing (IDH) have gathered to present their latest research findings in all aspects of parallel computation. They will take part in numerous paper presentations, workshops, and other parts of the 28th annual IPDPS program. David A. Bader serves as the 2014 IPDPS program chair, and Srinivas Aluru has been tapped as the program chair for the 2015 symposium.
This year, Georgia Tech researchers—CSE’s Associate Professor Edmond Chow and graduate students Xing Liu and Aftab Patel, and CS’s Associate Professor Santosh Pande and graduate student Kaushik Ravichandran—took home two of the four best paper awards given at IPDPS 2014.
Georgia Tech’s participation at IPDPS 2014 includes:
Srinivas Aluru
- IPDPS 2014 Program Committee
- IPDPS 2015 Program Chair
- HiCOMB Workshop Co-Chair
David A. Bader
- IPDPS 2014 Program Chair
- HCW Panelist: Is the Amount of Heterogeneity Increasing in Future Computer Systems?
- Graph Algorithms Building Blocks (GABB) Workshop Co-organizer
- GABB Workshop Presenter: STINGER: Multi-threaded Graph Streaming
- High Performance Computational Biology (HiCOMB) Workshop Co-Chair
Edmond Chow
- IPDPS 2014 Program Committee
Zhihui Du (visiting professor)
- Parallel and Distributed Computing for Large Scale Machine Learning and Big Data Analytics (ParLearning) 2014 Program Committee
David Ediger
- MTAAP 2014 Program Committee
Bo Hong
- PhD Forum Co-Chair
- Student Travel Chair
- IPDPS 2014 Program Committee
- MTAAP 2014 Program Committee
Santosh Pande
- IPDPS 2014 Program Committee
Jason Riedy
- IPDPS 2014 Program Committee
- MTAAP 2014 Program Committee
- GABB Workshop Presenter: STINGER: Multi-threaded Graph Streaming
Karsten Schwan
- HPDIC2014 Keynote: pMem—Persistent Memory for Data-intensive Applications
Magdalena Slawinska
- IPDPS 2014 Program Committee
Jeffrey S. Vetter
- MTAAP 2014 Program Committee
- ASHES Workshop Keynote: Exploring Emerging Technologies in the HPC Co-Design Space
Richard Vuduc
- High-Performance, Power-Aware Computing (HPPAC) Panelist: Emerging Challenges to Software Management of Power and Energy
Best Papers
A New Scalable Parallel Algorithm for Fock Matrix Construction
Xing Liu (Georgia Institute of Technology, USA); Aftab Patel (Georgia Institute of Technology, USA); Edmond Chow (Georgia Institute of Technology, USA)F2C2-STM: Flux-based Feedback-driven Concurrency Control for STMs
Kaushik Ravichandran (Georgia Institute of Technology, USA); Santosh Pande (Georgia Institute of Technology, USA)
Scibox: Online Sharing of Scientific Data via the Cloud
Jian Huang (Georgia Institute of Technology, USA); Xuechen Zhang (Georgia Institute of Technology, USA); Greg Eisenhauer (Georgia Institute of Technology, USA); Karsten Schwan (Georgia Tech, USA); Matthew Wolf (Georgia Institute of Technology, USA); Stephane Ethier (PPPL, USA); Scott Klasky (Oak Ridge National Laboratory, USA)
Parallel Mutual Information Based Construction of Whole-Genome Networks on the Intel(R) Xeon Phi(TM) Coprocessor
Sanchit Misra (Intel Corporation, India); Kiran Pamnany (Intel Corporation, India); Srinivas Aluru (Georgia Institute of Technology, USA)
Finding Motifs in Biological Sequences Using the Micron Automata Processor
Indranil Roy (Georgia Institute of Technology, USA); Srinivas Aluru (Georgia Institute of Technology, USA)
TBPoint: Reducing Simulation Time for Large Scale GPGPU Kernels
Jen-Cheng Huang (Georgia Institute of Technology, USA); Lifeng Nai (Georgia Institute of Technology, USA); Hyesoon Kim (Georgia Tech, USA); Hsien-Hsin Lee (Georgia Institute of Technology, USA)
Algorithmic Time, Energy, and Power on Candidate HPC Compute Building Blocks
Jee Choi (Georgia Institute of Technology, USA); Marat Dukhan (Georgia Institute of Technology, USA); Xing Liu (Georgia Institute of Technology, USA); Richard W. Vuduc (Georgia Institute of Technology, USA)
Large-scale Hydrodynamic Brownian Simulations on Multicore and Manycore Architectures
Xing Liu (Georgia Institute of Technology, USA); Edmond Chow (Georgia Institute of Technology, USA)
Interactive Program Debugging and Optimization for Directive-Based, Efficient GPU Computing
Seyong Lee (Oak Ridge National Laboratory, USA); Dong Li (Oak Ridge National Laboratory, USA); Jeffrey S. Vetter (Oak Ridge National Laboratory & Georgia Tech, USA)
Workshop Papers
Presented in Conjunction with IPDPS 2014.
HiCOMB 2014
Parallelization of the Trinity Pipeline for de Novo Transcriptome Assembly
Vipin Sachdeva (Georgia Institute of Technology, USA); Chang-Sik Kim, Kirk Jordan; Martyn D. Winn
MTAAP 2014
Revisiting Edge and Node Parallelism for Dynamic GPU Graph Analytics
Adam McLaughlin (Georgia Institute of Technology, USA); David A. Bader (Georgia Institute of Technology, USA)