ECE Alumnus Bader Promoted to Chair at Georgia Tech

University of Maryland Electrical and Computer Engineering alumnus David Bader (Ph.D., ’96) was recently promoted to Chair of Georgia Tech’s School of Computational Science and Engineering (CSE). He will assume his role beginning July 2014.
“I’m thrilled that we found within our own ranks a candidate as viable as David to take the helm of the School of CSE,” said Zvi Galil, John P. Imlay Jr. Dean of Computing. “We expect great things to continue in the school under David’s watch.”
During his time at UMD, Bader was advised by Professor Joseph JaJa (ECE/UMIACS) and founded and served as president of the Electrical and Computer Engineering Graduate Student Association (ECEGSA). Since his graduation, Bader was named fellow of both IEEE and AAAS, and received a National Science Foundation (NSF) CAREER Award. Bader also received the ECE Distinguished Alumni Award in 2012.
“I am amazed at the speed with which David has achieved national prominence in high performance computing and and big data analytics, and in leadership roles for major national and international professional organizations,” said Joseph JaJa. “I am confident that David with lead the Georgia Tech School of Computational Science and Engineering to higher levels of national prominence.”
For more information about David Bader, visit his biography page.