Georgia Tech has High Participation in IPDPS2013 Technical Program
Georgia Tech’s leadership in education and research came through clearly at the 27th IEEE International Parallel & Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS2013) in Cambridge, MA the week of May 19-24, 2013.

Georgia Tech’s leadership in education and research came through clearly at the 27th IEEE International Parallel & Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS2013) in Cambridge, MA the week of May 19-24, 2013. IPDPS accepted only 22% of submissions, and Georgia Tech’s Schools of Computational Science and Engineering, Computer Science, and Electrical and Computer Engineering participated in nine of the total 108 papers and one of the 23 PhD posters. Four of the associated and well-known workshops contained Georgia Tech research. One graduating student presented his thesis research at the IPDPS PhD forum. In addition, David A. Bader was recognized as the recipient of this year’s IEEE Computer Society’s Technical Committee on Parallel Processing (TCPP) Outstanding Service Award.
Papers: (9 papers of the 108, with 22.0% acceptance rate)
- Optimizing Checkpoints Using NVM as Virtual Memory. Sudarsun Kannan (Georgia Institute of Technology, USA); Ada Gavrilovska (Georgia Institute of Technology, USA); Karsten Schwan (Georgia Tech, USA); Dejan Milojicic (HP Labs, USA)
- FlexIO: I/O Middleware for Location-Flexible Scientific Data Analytics. Fang Zheng (Georgia Tech, USA); Hongbo Zou (Georgia Institute of Technology, USA); Greg Eisenhauer (Georgia Institute of Technology, USA); Karsten Schwan (Georgia Tech, USA); Matthew Wolf (Georgia Institute of Technology, USA); Jai Dayal (Georgia Institute of Technology, USA); Tuan-Anh Nguyen (Georgia Institute of Technology, USA); Jianting Cao (Beihang University, P.R. China); Mohammad Abbasi (Georgia Insitute of Technology, USA); Scott Klasky (Oak Ridge National Laboratory, USA); Norbert Podhorszki (Oak Ridge National Laboratory, USA); Hongfeng Yu (Sandia National Laborotories, USA)
- iBridge: Improving Unaligned Parallel File Access with Solid-State Drives. Xuechen Zhang (Georgia Institute of Technology, USA); Ke Liu (Wayne State University, USA); Kei Davis (Los Alamos National Laboratory, USA); Song Jiang (Wayne State University, USA)
- Energy-Efficient Scheduling for Best-Effort Interactive Services to Achieve High Response Quality. Zhihui Du (Tsinghua University, P.R. China); Hongyang Sun (Nanyang Technological University, Singapore); Yuxiong He (Microsoft Research, USA); Yu He (Tsinghua Univiversity, P.R. China); David A. Bader (Georgia Institute of Technology, USA); Huangzhe Zhang (Beijing University of Post and Telecommunication, P.R. China)
- A roofline model of energy. Jee Choi (Georgia Institute of Technology, USA); Richard W Vuduc (Georgia Institute of Technology, USA)
- A theoretical framework for algorithm-architecture co-design. Kenneth Czechowski (Georgia Institute of Technology, USA); Richard W Vuduc (Georgia Institute of Technology, USA)
- Best Paper Finalist: Extending the Generality of Molecular Dynamics Simulations on a Special-Purpose Machine. Daniele Scarpazza (D. E. Shaw Research, USA); Douglas Ierardi (D. E. Shaw Research, USA); Adam Lerer (D. E. Shaw Research, USA); Kenneth Mackenzie (D. E. Shaw Research, USA); Albert Pan (D. E. Shaw Research, USA); Joseph Bank (D. E. Shaw Research, USA); Edmond Chow (Georgia Institute of Technology, USA); Ron Dror (D. E. Shaw Research, USA); Jp Grossman (D. E. Shaw Research, USA); Daniel Killebrew (D. E. Shaw Research, USA); Mark Moraes (D. E. Shaw Research, USA); Cristian Predescu (D. E. Shaw Research, USA); John Salmon (D. E. Shaw Research, USA); David Shaw (D. E. Shaw Research, USA)
- Cura: A Cost-optimized Model for MapReduce in a Cloud. Balaji Palanisamy (Georgia Institute of Technology, USA); Aameek Singh (IBM Almaden Research Center, USA); Ling Liu (Georgia Tech, USA); Bryan Langston (IBM Research, Almaden, USA)
- Optimizing Checkpoints Using NVM as Virtual Memory. Sudarsun Kannan (Georgia Institute of Technology, USA); Ada Gavrilovska (Georgia Institute of Technology, USA); Karsten Schwan (Georgia Tech, USA); Dejan Milojicic (HP Labs, USA)
IPDPS 2013 Panel on Big Data in 10 Years
- David A. Bader, Panelist
Ph.D. Forum
- Designing Hybrid Architectures for Massive-Scale Graph Analysis. David Ediger; David A. Bader (Georgia Institute of Technology, USA)
- Rich Vuduc, “What first principles of algorithms and architectures says about heterogeneity.” The Third International Workshop on Accelerators and Hybrid Exascale Systems (AsHES)
IPDPS 2013 Organization:
- David A. Bader, Steering Committee
- Bo Hong, PhD Forum Co-Chair
- Program Committee for IPDPS:
- David A. Bader
- Bo Hong
- Santosh Pande
- Jason Riedy
- Jeffrey Vetter
- Rich Vuduc
- David A. Bader and Srinivas Aluru, Co-Chairs, 12th IEEE International Workshop on High Performance Computational Biology (HiCOMB 2013)
- David A. Bader, Program Committee, The Third International Workshop on Accelerators and Hybrid Exascale Systems (AsHES)
- Program Committee for the Workshop on Multithreaded Architectures and Applications (MTAAP 2013):
- David A. Bader
- Bo Hong
- Jeffrey Vetter
- HCW 2013: 22nd International Heterogeneity in Computing Workshop
- Brawny vs. Wimpy: Evaluation and Analysis of Modern Workloads on Heterogeneous Processors. Vishal Gupta (Georgia Institute of Technology, USA), Karsten Schwan (Georgia Institute of Technology, USA)
- 12th IEEE International Workshop on High Performance Computational Biology (HiCOMB 2013)
- HPC Software Libraries for Next-Gen Sequencing Analytics. Srinivas Aluru.
- The Ninth Workshop on High-Performance, Power-Aware Computing (HPPAC)
- PowerTune: Differentiated Power Allocation in Over-provisioned Multicore Systems. Vishal Gupta and Karsten Schwan
- Workshop on Multithreaded Architectures and Applications (MTAAP 2013)
- CHiP: A Profiler to Measure the effect of Cache Contention on Scalability. Bevin Brett (Intel Corporation, USA); Pranith Kumar (Georgia Institute of Technology, USA); Minjang Kim (Georgia Institute of Technology, USA); Hyesoon Kim (Georgia Tech, USA)
- Investigating Graph Algorithms in the BSP Model on the Cray XMT. David Ediger (Georgia Institute of Technology, USA); David A. Bader (Georgia Institute of Technology, USA)
- Multithreaded Community Monitoring for Massive Streaming Graph Data. Jason Riedy (Georgia Institute of Technology, USA); David A. Bader (Georgia Institute of Technology, USA)