Sandia Labs Details Update to Graph500 Benchmark
HPC in the Cloud

Supercomputing performance is getting a new measurement with the Graph500 executive committee’s announcement of specifications for a more representative way to rate the large-scale data analytics at the heart of high-performance computing. An international team that includes Sandia National Laboratories announced the single-source shortest-path specification to assess computing performance on Tuesday at the International Supercomputing Conference in Hamburg, Germany. The latest benchmark “highlights the importance of new systems that can find the proverbial needle in the haystack of data,” said Graph500 executive committee member David A. Bader, a professor in the School of Computational Science and Engineering and executive director of High-Performance Computing at the Georgia Institute of Technology. The new specification will measure the closest distance between two things, said Sandia National Laboratories researcher Richard Murphy, who heads the executive committee. For example, it would seek the smallest number of people between two people chosen randomly in the professional network LinkedIn, finding the fewest friend of a friend of a friend links between them, he said. Read the full article. Learn more about Graph500 Benchmark.