Georgia Tech Recognized as Charter Member of New HPC500 Group at ISC ’12

Georgia Institute of Technology will be recognized as one the 50 charter members of the HPC500, an exclusive community of High-Performance Computing user organizations at the vanguard of their areas of specialization, during the International Supercomputing conference, ISC'12, in Hamburg, Germany, June 17-21.
Research in computational science and engineering at Georgia Tech spans many areas ranging from the development of new computational methods that may be applied to one or more fields in science and engineering to novel computational approaches specific to a particular domain such as biology or aerospace engineering.
Because Georgia Tech views computation as the driver of future advances in science and engineering, the School of Computational Science and Engineering was created to be a truly interdisciplinary unit that crosses the conventional academic boundaries found between research disciplines. Faculty from all walks of computing, sciences, and engineering collaborate within six core areas: High-Performance Computing; Data Analytics, Machine Learning and Visualization; Modeling and Simulation; Computational Mathematics; Computational Science; and Computational Engineering.
The HPC500 is comprised of a representative cross-section of academic, government, and commercial organizations across all budgets, applications, and geographic areas, including users in both High Performance Technical Computing (HPTC) and High Performance Business Computing (HPBC). The charter members are listed at the HPC500 Website ( Of the first fifty members:
- 20 are commerical organizations (13 with HPTC application, 7 HPBC), 19 are academic or non-for-profit, and 11 are government organizations.
- 25 are based in the U.S. or Canada; 14 are based in Europe, Middle East, or Africa (EMEA); nine are based in Asia Pacific (including Japan, Australia, and New Zealand); and two are based in Latin America (including Mexico).
- Nine have supercomputing budgets of over $5.0 million per year; 15 have high-end HPC budgets of $1.0 million to $4.9 million per year; 15 have mid-range HPC budgets of $100,000 to $999,999 per year, and 11 have entry-level HPC budgets under $100,000 per year.
For more information about High Performance Computing at Georgia Tech, please contact David A. Bader, professor in the School of Computational Science and Engineering and executive director of High Performance Computing, at