IEEE to Award 14 Industry Professionals

The IEEE Computer Society will honor 14 prominent technologists at its annual awards dinner in Seattle, including the inventor of MATLAB, two dedicated computer science educators, a parallel programming languages expert, and innovators in the fields of data mining, distributed computing, database theory, computer standards, and other technologies.
The ceremony will take place at 6 p.m. PT on Wednesday, June 13 at the Renaissance Hotel in Seattle, Washington.
“For the IEEE Computer Society, the awards ceremony represents an opportunity to acknowledge these innovators for their sizable contributions to the field of computing,” said David A. Bader, chair of the IEEE Computer Society Awards Committee and professor in the School of Computational Science and Engineering at Georgia Institute of Technology. “This year’s honorees come from diverse backgrounds, and include pioneers in parallel processing, data-mining, database theory, Web applications, computer standards, and many other specialties that are central to the further advancement of computing technology. On behalf of the IEEE Computer Society, I applaud them for their accomplishments.”
Cleve Moler, co-founder, chairman, and chief mathematician of MathWorks, is being recognized with the 2012 Computer Pioneer Award for his invention of MATLAB, a well-known programming environment that allows for much faster solutions to technical computing problems.
Massachusetts Institute of Technology Professor Arvind, a world-renowned leader in computer languages for parallel processing, will receive the 2012 Harry H. Goode Memorial Award. Arvind has contributed to the development of dynamic dataflow architectures, the implicitly parallel programming languages Id and pH.
Ronald Fagin, an IBM Fellow at the IBM Almaden Research Center, is receiving the W. Wallace McDowell Award for his contributions to database theory.
In addition, two computer science professors are being honored for their innovation and dedication to teaching the next generation of technology leaders. Mark Guzdial, a professor in Georgia Institute of Technology’s School of Interactive Computing, is being recognized with a 2012 Computer Science and Engineering Undergraduate Teaching Award for his innovative teaching methods, including the Media Computation approach. Stanford University Computer Science Professor Eric Roberts, principal architect of the introductory programming sequence, will receive the 2012 Taylor L. Booth Education Award.
Other honorees include:
- Carl K. Chang, computer science professor and chair at Iowa State University, 2012 Richard E. Merwin Distinguished Service Award for exemplary leadership and service to the IEEE Computer Society and the profession;
- Paul Croll, IEEE Computer Society Vice President for Technical and Conference Activities, 2012 Hans Karlsson Award for achievement in computer standards;
- Michael Franz, professor of computer science at the University of California Irvine, 2012 Technical Achievement Award “for pioneering contributions to just-in-time compilation and optimization, significantly advancing web application technology.;
- Johannes Gehrke, computer science professor at Cornell University, 2011 Technical Achievement Award, for pioneering contributions to data mining and distributed query processing techniques;
- Ling Liu, computer science professor at Georgia Institute of Technology, 2012 Technical Achievement Award for pioneering contributions to Internet data management and decentralized trust management;
- Klara Nahrstedt, computer science professor at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2012 Technical Achievement Award for contributions to end-to-end quality of service and resource management in wired and wireless networks;
- Beng-Chin-Ooi, professor of computer science and dean of the School of Computing at National University of Singapore, Tsutomu Kanai Award, for pioneering research in distributed database management and peer-to-peer-based enterprise quality management;
- Mei-Ling Shyu, an associate electrical and computer engineering professor at University of Miami, 2012 Technical Achievement Award for pioneering contributions to multimedia data mining, management, and retrieval; and
- Xindong Wu, a professor of computer science at the University of Vermont, Technical Achievement Award for pioneering contributions to data mining and applications.
The IEEE Computer Society awards program recognizes outstanding work by computer professionals who advance the field through exceptional technical achievement and service to the profession and to society. For more information, visit
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