Announcing Our Newest Rock Star of HPC: David Bader
by Rich Brueckner, insideHPC

At insideHPC, we are pleased to announce that David Bader is our latest Rock Star of HPC.
“While HPC tends to focus on compute-intensive problems, Big Data challenges require novel architectures for data-intensive computing. My group has been the first to parallelize and implement large-scale graph theoretic algorithms, which are quite a challenge because of the irregular memory accesses, little computation to overlap with these memory references, and fine grain synchronization. In the past several years, our research has enabled social scientists to analyze some of the largest social networks, detecting communities, finding the proverbial “needle in the haystack”, and “connecting the dots” by identifying central actors hidden in these networks. As you know, data and social media are now torrential streams of information that may provide valuable information to make decisions related to business intelligence, market analysis, and social trends.” - David A. Bader