NVIDIA Names GATech CUDA Center of Excellence

NVIDIA announced today that they have officially named Georgia Institute of Technology a CUDA Center of Excellence. Jeff Vetter, joint professor of the Georgia Tech College of Computing and Group Leader at Oak Ridge National Laboratory will serve as principal investigator for the center.
“Georgia Tech has a long history of education and research that depends heavily on the parallel processing capabilities that NVIDIA has introduced with its CUDA architecture,” Vetter said. “This award allows us to focus, what is now a large amount of activity across 25 different research groups, under a single center, which will significantly amplify our research capabilities.”
NVIDIA and Georgia Tech are already collaborating on several projects. The National Science Foundation Track 2D Keeneland Project will initially deploy a significant system of NVIDIA(R) Tesla(TM) processors this year, with a larger, petaflop-class system to be in place by 2012. Georgia Tech and Oak Ridge are also collaborating with NVIDIA in the recently announced DARPA Ubiquitous High Performance Computing program, with the goal of designing an energy efficient “petaflop in a cabinet” prototype system in 2018.
“By cross-pollinating ideas and skills, sharing software and hardware facilities, and streamlining interactions with priority access to NVIDIA staff and capabilities, this status will add considerable strength to our research and educational programs,” Vetter added.
For more info on the partnership, read their full release here.