Computer Science and Engineering Grad Student Wins Best Poster

Kamesh Madduri won the best poster award in the Ph. D. Forum at the 22nd IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS) held April 14-18 in Miami. Madduri’s research in computational science and high-performance computing beat out 72 other submissions to win one of two prizes in the competition.
The main track of IPDPS is highly competitive and contains peer-reviewed papers submitted from researchers worldwide. Only 105 of the submitted 410 papers were accepted for presentation. As a testament to Georgia Tech’s strength in parallel and multicore computing, four papers from Computational Science and Engineering division were presented as regular papers:
SNAP, Small-world Network Analysis and Partitioning: An Open-Source Parallel Graph Framework for the Exploration of Large-Scale Networks
David Bader (CSE); Kamesh Madduri (CSE)High Performance MPEG-2 Software Decoder on the Cell Broadband Engine
David Bader (CSE); Sulabh Patel (Electronic Arts, USA)Financial Modeling on the Cell Broadband Engine
Virat Agarwal (CSE); Lurng-Kuo Liu (IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, USA); David Bader (CSE)Performance Characterizations and Optimization of Parallel I/O on the Cray XT
Weikun Yu (ORNL), Jeffrey Vetter (ORNL & CSE) and Sarp Oral (ORNL)
IPDPS attracts over 600 of the top scientific researchers in the field for a week packed with technical talks and demonstrations. In 2009, the meeting will be held in Rome, Italy, and in 2010, David Bader (CSE) will serve as the General Chair when the symposium comes to Atlanta.