The College of Computing Honors Exceptional Students, Faculty, and Staff

The College of Computing at Georgia Tech hosted its 16th Annual Awards Celebration on April 17, 2007. Master of Ceremony and CoC Associate Dean and Honors & Awards Chair Merrick Furst led the College in congratulating students, faculty, and staff on another exciting and productive year.
The 2006-2007 Undergraduate Awards
- Outstanding Freshman - Christopher Adam Sladky
- Outstanding Sophomore - Michael E. Hale
- Outstanding Junior - Megan Leigh Elmore
- Outstanding Undergraduate - David Schachter
- Outstanding Undergraduate Research - Steven Dalton
- Outstanding Undergraduate Teaching Assistant - David Schachter
- Outstanding Undergraduate Research Assistant - Steven French
The Dave & Carrie Armento Scholarship - Gary Mann
Established by David D. Armento to be awarded to an African-American computer science major who is a resident of the State of Georgia.
The Bierne M. Prager Scholarship - Jason Power
Established to award an undergraduate student from Shelby County, Tennessee.
The 2006-2007 Graduate Awards
- Outstanding Graduate Teaching Assistant - Jessica Paradise-Elliott
- Outstanding Graduate Research Assistant - Shwetak Patel, Qi Zhao
- CS7001 Research Project Award - Hwa-You Hsu, Wanchun Li, Ogechi Nnadi, Christopher Parnin, Hina Shah, Yanbing Yu
The Donald V. Jackson Fellowship - Angela Navarro
This Fellowship supports the master’s program and is awarded to a well-rounded computer science student who best embodies values of academic excellence and leadership.
The Marshall D. Williamson Fellowship - Roozbeh Mottaghi
This Fellowship supports the master’s program and is awarded to a well-rounded student who best embodies values of academic excellence and leadership.
2005-2006 Outstanding Doctoral Dissertation Award:
- Vivek Kwatra - (graduated Summer 2005), Example-based Rendering of Textural Phenomena, Advisors: Aaron Bobick and Irfan Essa
- Yaxin Liu - (graduated Spring 2005), Decision-Theoretic Planning Under Risk-Sensitive Planning Objectives, Advisors: Sven Koenig and Craig Tovey
Outstanding Support and Service Staff Awards
- Francine Lyken
- John David Sturgill
Institute Awards
Don Bratcher Human Relations Award - Gregory D. Abowd
10 Years of Service
- Michelle Bernard
- Amy Bruckman
- Marcus Johnson
- Thomas Pilsch
- David Smith
25 Years of Service
- Vivian Chandler
- Cathy Dunnahoo
Faculty Awards
Outstanding Junior Faculty Research Award - Charles Isbell
Outstanding Senior Faculty Research Award - Eric Vigoda
The Raytheon Faculty Fellowship - Santosh Vempala
The Raytheon Faculty Fellowship is a $15,000 seed grant designed to foster and encourage collaborative activities among CoC faculty members and to further
promote a sense of community within the college. The recipient can be academic as well as research faculty members in the CoC who seek to collaborate on new
research initiatives in any area. Thanks to the ongoing support of the college by the Raytheon Company, this award is presented annually.
Outstanding Instructor - Robert Waters
William A. “Gus” Baird Faculty Teaching Award - Amy Bruckman
This award is given to a faculty member who is recognized by his or her peers for excellence in teaching. It is fitting that “Gus” – “the man who wanted nothing more than to teach” – be remembered each time this award is presented. “Gus” received his master’s degree from Georgia Tech in 1980 and was a favorite College of Computing undergraduate instructor for nearly 15 years.
The Peter A. Freeman Faculty Award - Leo Mark
The Freeman Award is presented annually to a member of the College of Computing faculty who has demonstrated the entrepreneurial spirit for which the founding Dean, Peter A. Freeman, was known.
The Dean’s Award - David Bader
The Dean’s Award is selected by the Dean and presented to a member of the college who has contributed significantly to the success of the college this year.
Lifetime Achievement Award – James D. Foley
The Lifetime Achievement Award is the most prestigious award given by the Association for Computing Machinery Special Interest Group on Computer/Human Interaction (SIGCHI) Jim Foley was one of the computer graphics pioneers who helped to establish Human Interactive Computing as a discipline.
Social Impact Award – Gregory Abowd
This award is given by the Association for Computing Machinery Special Interest Group on Computer/Human Interaction (SIGCHI) to individuals who promote the application of humancomputer interaction research to pressing social needs. Gregory’s research explores applications of ubiquitous computing technologies, combining both human-centered and technology-driven research themes.
Corporate Scholarships
AT&T Graduate Fellowship - Lana Yarosh
Cisco Internet Generation Scholarships:
- Lawrence Jarvis
- Alex Marquez
- Cisco Leadership Award
- Courtland Goodson
- Dolapo Kukoyi
- Jennifer Whitlow
Google Anita Borg Scholarship
- Helene Brashear
- Marshini Chetty
- Andrea Grimes
- Julie Kientz
- Susan Wyche (Finalist)
IBM PhD Fellowship Award - David Hilley
PEO Fellowship - Julie Kientz
Lockheed Martin Scholarship - Jordan Garner
Rockwell Collins Scholarships:
- Denis Bueno
- Joanna Leidy
Intel Scholars:
- Matthew Benford
- Sauvik Das
- Alexander Dodson
- Catie Donnelly
- Brittany Duncan
- Meagan Elmore
- Katherine Flinn
- Matthew Fong
- Jordan Garner
- Anne Hewitt
- Lawrence Jarvis
- Terris Johnson
- Christina Lacey
- Amanda Ladd
- Vanessa Larco
- Uzoma Okafor
- Kady Rosier
- Aaron St.Clair
- Sweta Vajjhala
Intel Graduated Scholars Fall 2006
- Mina Doroudi
- Andrew Durso
- Priyanka Mahalanabis
- Logan Thomas
- Megan Thomas
- Dana Van Devender
- Jenelle Walker
- Crystal Wrenn
Intel Mentors
- Nicholas Diakopoulos
- Steven Dow
- Andrea Forte
- Manish Mehta
- Mario Romero
- Erika Shehan
- Alan Wagner
- Ping Wang
- Steve Webb
- Jose Zagal
SAIC Scholars:
- Cory Campbell
- Jill Donnelly
- Carolina Gomez
- Kathryn Long
- Candace Mitchell
- Jahmeilah Richardson
- Michael Slaughter
- Kelli Stancil
- Jennifer Stoll
- Pavani Yalla
SAIC Mentors
- Nova Ahmed
- Guofei Gu
- Zsolt Kira
- Dushmanta Mohapatra
- Bryan Payne
CC Ambassadors exists to introduce prospective students and parents, alumni and industry professionals to the College of Computing community. CC Ambassadors:
- Katie Collins
- Skji Conklin
- Catie Donnelly
- Brittany Duncan
- Megan Elmore
- Dawn Finney
- Katie Flinn
- Matthew Fong
- Jordan Garner
- Matt Goforth
- Noah Goodwin
- Michael Hale
- Blake Israel
- Nayan Jain
- Lawrence Jarvis
- Terris Johnson
- Vallerie Killian
- Vanessa Larco
- Priyanka Mahalanabis
- Micajah McGarity
- Candice Mitchell
- Charlie Morn
- Heather Phillips
- Heather Pritchard
- Peter Rosegger
- Joshua Silver
- Michael Slaughter
- Kelli Stancil
- Jeffrey Starker II
- Jennifer Whitlow
- Bennett Wilson