Alumnus Bader Joins DSPlogic Advisory Board

Ph.D. alumnus David Bader ‘96, Associate Professor of Computational Science and Engineering at Georgia Tech, has joined the Technical Advisory Board of DSPlogic, a provider of FPGA-based, reconfigurable computing and signal processing products and services. Bader has been a pioneer in the field of high performance computing for problems in bioinformatics and computational genomics, and has co-authored over 75 articles in peer-reviewed journals and conferences. His main areas of research are in parallel algorithms, combinatorial optimization, and computational biology and genomics.
As a graduate student, Dr. Bader was advised by Professor Joseph JaJa (ECE/UMIACS). Bader founded and served as president of the Electrical and Computer Engineering Graduate Student Association (ECEGSA) while he attended school at Maryland. Prior to his recent hiring at Georgia Tech, Bader served as an Associate Professor of ECE and Computer Science at the University of New Mexico. He received a National Science Foundation (NSF) Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Award for his research on High-Performance Algorithms for Scientific Applications last fall.