High-Performance Computing Expert, Dr. David A. Bader, joins DSPlogic's Technical Advisory Board

Dr. David A. Bader, a Georgia Tech faculty member and international leader in high-performance computing, has joined DSPlogic’s Technical Advisory Board.
“At DSPlogic we increase our customers’ productivity by improving the software and tools needed for high-performance reconfigurable computing solutions,” said Michael Babst, president of DSPlogic. “We expect growth in our core business with the addition of one of the world’s foremost parallel computing experts, Dr. David A. Bader, to our advisory board.”
“Computer systems are increasingly relying upon hardware accelerators for continued performance gains. Productivity tools, such as DSPlogic’s Reconfigurable Computing Toolbox with seamless Matlab integration, are essential for rapidly designing complex high-performance applications,” said Dr. Bader. “DSPlogic is a leading provider of these tools and understands the importance of this technology for making advances in health care, national security and oil exploration.”
David A. Bader is an Associate Professor in Computational Science and Engineering, a division within the College of Computing, Georgia Institute of Technology. He received his Ph.D. in 1996 from The University of Maryland, was awarded a National Science Foundation (NSF) Postdoctoral Research Associateship in Experimental Computer Science. He is an NSF CAREER Award recipient, an investigator on several NSF awards, and has been supported by the DARPA High Productivity Computing Systems program, DOE, and NASA. He has collaborated closely with the leading high-performance computer vendors including IBM, Cray, Sun, and Intel.
Dr. Bader serves on the Steering Committees of the IPDPS and HiPC conferences, and was the General co-Chair for IPDPS (2004–2005), and Vice General Chair for HiPC (2002–2004). David has chaired several major conference program committees: Program Chair for HiPC 2005, Program Vice-Chair for IPDPS 2006 and Program Vice-Chair for ICPP 2006. He has served on numerous conference program committees related to parallel processing and computational science & engineering, is an associate editor for several high impact publications including the IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems (TPDS), the ACM Journal of Experimental Algorithmics (JEA), IEEE DSOnline, and Parallel Computing, is a Senior Member of the IEEE Computer Society and a Member of the ACM.
Dr. Bader has been a pioneer the field of high-performance computing for problems in bioinformatics and computational genomics. He has co-chaired a series of meetings, the IEEE International Workshop on High-Performance Computational Biology (HiCOMB), written several book chapters, and co-edited special issues of the Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing (JPDC) and IEEE TPDS on high-performance computational biology. He has co-authored over 75 articles in peer-reviewed journals and conferences, and his main areas of research are in parallel algorithms, combinatorial optimization, and computational biology and genomics.
About DSPlogic, Inc.
DSPlogic is a leading provider of high-quality, FPGA-based, reconfigurable computing and signal processing products and services. DSPlogic’s set of software-to-FPGA design tools helps customers rapidly develop verified algorithm implementations using today’s leading reconfigurable computing platforms. DSPlogic serves organizations ranging from small start-ups, to Fortune 500 companies, to U.S. government agencies. Go to www.dsplogic.com for more information.