CERCS Researchers Receive Industry Awards

Research faculty from the Center for Experimental Research in Computer Systems (CERCS) at Georgia Tech recently received several new industry awards. CERCS, located within the College of Computing, is one of the largest experimental systems programs in the U.S. focusing on complex hardware, communications and system-level software, and applications that lead the innovation of new information and computing technologies.
- Prof. Ling Liu for receiving and IBM Faculty Award for her work on “Building Secure Publish-subscribe Systems for Large Scale Event Dissemination”
- CERCS Research Scientist Ada Gavrilovska received funding from Intel Corporation to support her research on application-specific processing on IXA routers.
- College of Computing Associate Professor Santosh Pande received funding from Intel Corporation to support his research on new compilation methods for the micro-cores used in machines like the IXA routers.
- Professor and CERCS Director Karsten Schwan, and CERCS Research Scientists Ada Gavrilovska and Matt Wolf received an award from Cisco Corporation’s University Research Program to support their proposal tiled “High Performance Dynamic Communications”.
- Professors Karsten Schwan and Calton Pu, along with Associate Professors David Bader, Santosh Pande and Irfan Essa will receive an IBM SUR award to support their proposal titled “Optimizing Scientific Libraries for IBM Cell” for two Cell blades.
Finally, CERCS celebrated College of Computing Ph.D. student Zhongtang Cai for his “Best Paper Award” at last week’s 2006 High-Performance Distributed Computing (HPDC) conference in Paris, France. Cai’s research is on new bandwidth-sensitive methods for dynamic traffic division and scheduling across multiple overlay paths.