IBM And University Of New Mexico Open Linux Supercluster Briefing Center

“IBM today announced the opening of the industry’s first Linux supercluster briefing center for customers developing scalable applications on Linux systems. The briefing center will be based at the University of New Mexico’s (UNM) Albuquerque High Performance Computing Center (AHPCC), and complements the existing briefing facility at the Maui High Performance Computing Center (Maui HPCC).”
“The new briefing center will assist customers in planning their Linux and Linux clusters plans with IBM, and allow them to benchmark and “test-drive” key applications. The UNM supercluster, called Los Lobos, consists of 256 IBM Netfinity servers (512 Intel IA-32 processors running at 733 MHz(1)) that collectively provide peak performance of about 375 gigaflops. IBM will engage petroleum and manufacturing companies, the scientific and technical community, financial institutions, and higher education and government institutions who are deploying high performance computing solutions with Linux. Customers can draw on IBM and UNM’s experience, skill and resources to help meet their technical needs.”