Grand Opening of the University of New Mexico's LosLobos Supercomputer

Dear Mr. Bader,
You are cordially invited to the grand opening of the University of New Mexico’s LosLobos Supercomputer. The opening and reception will be held Wednesday evening, September 13, 2000 from 5:30 to 7:30 P.M. at the Albuquerque High Performance Computing Center, 1601 Central Ave, on the northwest corner of Central and University.
LosLobos is the world’s first large production Linux-based IBM Supercluster. Cluster computing technology has a distinctly New Mexico flavor since it has grown from efforts at the DOE laboratories here, especially at Sandia National Laboratory [sic] where a cluster has for some time been featured as the world’s fastest computer. And just 18 months ago, UNM inaugurated Roadrunner, the first generation of production superclusters. UNM faculty, student, and center staff are continuing to make pioneering advances in this cutting edge technology.
RoadRunner, like LosLobos, is funded and supported by the National Science Foundation through the National Computational Science Alliance led by the University of Illinois. LosLobos joins the Alliance computing resources to serve academic and other users as a key national asset. We are proud to have worked in conjunction with university, industry, and government communities to develop LosLobos. The supercluster is a significant step in bringing highly capable, accessible and economical supercomputing to all.
UNM is extremely proud of both of its supercomputing centers, the Maui High Performance Computing Center and the Albuquerque High Performance Computing Center and the international recognition for their accomplishments. We hope that you can join us in celebrating a milestone in the growth of the Albuquerque center and the advancement of an exciting technology. If you desire any special arrangements please contact Martina Kindilien at 505-277-8249 or
Frank Gilfeather