Bader receives Geltman Scholarship

Marcella and Samuel Geltman 1991H
Samuel Geltman is founder of Samuel Geltman and Company Inc., a New Jersey-based real estate management company whose portfolio of apartment communities is located in the states of New Jersey, Texas, Indiana and Arizona. Geltman started the business in 1954 and has been purchasing and operating apartment properties for more than 50 years. In 1983, Geltman established the Marcella S. and Samuel Geltman Scholarship, in honor of his wife, Marcella, and to support top Lehigh students studying engineering and physical science. The students are graduates of public high schools from communities where Geltman and Company manages properties.
Mrs. Geltman passed away in October 1987. Since then, his daughter, Nancy, president of Samuel Geltman & Company, has been attending the annual Geltman Scholars dinner at Lehigh, along with her father. Being able to establish a lasting tribute to my dear wife while at the same time assisting deserving, talented young people is a source of great personal satisfaction to me, says Geltman. He was awarded an honorary doctor of laws degree from Lehigh in 1991.