Bethlehem Scout Becomes An Eagle

David Albert Bader, son of Dr. and Mrs. Morris Bader of Bethlehem, was elevated to the rank of Eagle Scout during ceremonies held recently in the Haupert Union Building at Moravian College. David is a member of Boy Scout Troop 346 of St. Mark’s Lutheran Church, Bethlehem.
His Eagle project consisted of making a complete inventory of the Brith Sholom Community Center library, to be used by center members and the general public. He made a check of the shelf and catalog file listings and made sure all library materials were in their proper places. Cards were made for books on the shelves, not already in the files, and missing books were noted. As each shelf was completed, the books were boxed and the contents labeled in preparation for Brith Sholom’s future move to its newly constructed building. The project took 128 hours.
David joined Cub Scouts in 1977 and became a Boy Scout in 1980. Among his many scounting accomplishments, he has received 27 merit badges and has served as assistant patrol leader, patrol leader, instructor and assist senior patrol leader. He also has received the Minsi Trails Council Historic Trails Award and attending the council’s leadership camp for two years, in addition to several other scouting achievements and honors.
In September, David will enter 11th grade at Liberty High School, where he is a member of the Grenadier Band, chess team, German club and computer club.
David also serves as a carrier for the Call-Chronicle Newspapers and is a member of the B’nai Brith Youth Organization.
Scouting Biography
Council Number | 502 |
Board of Review Date | 07-MAR-85 |
Eagle Program | Troop |
Eagle Unit | 0346 |
Eagle City | Bethlehem |
Eagle State | PA |
BSA Region | Northeast |