Dr. Sottile spent the early part of his career as a Student and Technical Staff Member at the Los Alamos National Laboratory (1999-2007). His research work at LANL focused on high performance computing, verification and validation of multiphysics simulations, and image analysis. After LANL, he was an adjunct faculty member and research associate at the University of Oregon. During that time he taught multiple classes in computer science and data analytics, and worked closely with members of the Institute of Neuroscience on data problems arising in fluorescence microscopy of c. Elegans nematodes. Between 2010 and 2016, he was a lead researcher at Galois, Inc. in Portland, Oregon working in high performance computing, programming languages, and program transformation techniques. Dr. Sottile is co-founder of noddle.io, a private research and development firm specializing in program synthesis methods for data analytics and mathematical modeling problems.
He has been a member of the WSU Math Dept. Analysis+Data group since 2015, studying problems related to network analysis and social systems from a dynamical systems and probabilistic perspective.
PhD in Electrical & Computer Engineering, 2006
University of New Mexico
MS in Computer Science, 2001
University of Oregon
BS in Mathematics & Computer Science, 1999
University of Oregon